Agate is a relatively common stone found in a wide variety of types and markings, being formed in areas of volcanic activity. Agate is a type of Chalcedony with microcrystalline structure.
Agate is a grounding stone, said to be particularly useful in deep meditative practice to assist with self confidence and one's stability in the world; that is having a deeper understanding of one's place and value, irrespective of the goings on with other people. Agate can be metaphorically akin to your supporting foundation stone in this respect.
Blue Agate is specifically helpful in regards to self confidence concerning speaking or communicating your truth. In quiet contemplation Blue Agate can also soothe and calm an overactive mind.
Quartz is quite simply a master healing stone. A stone of transformation amongst other things, but in the Agate combination as you see here, Quartz has the focus to assist you, to make change that you desire concerning your view of yourself, especially with respect to self confidence. Essentially the Quartz component is your 'powerhouse' to facilitate the change you want to see.
This particular carving is carved from a section of stone that incorporates the Quartz aspect, or Geode, meaning cavity in this context, as well as the surrounding Agate. This highly prized carving style allows one to see both aspects of the Agate and Quartz components; the smooth polished Agate and the natural formation of the Quartz in the cavity. As you may appreciate, each piece is unique and the final look and structure of the geode skull carving is not known until some way into the carving process.
Stone carved into the human skull form is a tool that can be used with meditative practice to expand your consciousness.
Length 18cm Height 14cm Width 11cm
Weight 3.6kg